Relg 204 mcgill Programs, Courses & University Regulations Fall 2024–Summer 2025. RELG 202 Religion of Ancient Israel (3 credits) Offered by: Religious Studies (Faculty of Arts) Overview. Le personnel devra travailler à distance, si possible. EDER 395 PHIL 200 RELG 309 GSFS 200 EDER 461 PHIL 230 RELG 252 . RELG 255 Introduction to the Study of Religion. 5 Smith/Adam 202209 0. ) - Secondary Social Sciences - History and Citizenship, Geography program requires 120 credits and leads to teacher certification. Please sign in or register to post comments. 33) Courses taught in winter 2016 Courses where TQR's have been met: Faculty of Arts School of Religious Studies- Priority Points List up to and including summer 2016 Courses taught in spring/summer 2016: Created Date: McGill University. Prerequisite: RELG 204, RELG 207, RELG 252, or RELG 253 recommended Restrictions: Not open to students who have taken RELG 208 . University McGill University. Guide how to download your transcript as a pdf This is the one and only McGill University subreddit. eCalendar. 50 Ewing/Benjamin 202309 0. It is composed of two RELG 204: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam WINTER 2019 Tuesdays & Thursdays: 4:05PM – 5:25 PM Chancellor Day Hall, Room 100 Syllabus Course Overview: An RELG 204 — Winter 2024 Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. RELG 203 Bible and Western Culture. T/R: RELG 204 Judaism, Christianity and Islam Abrahamic Religions and their Historical and Cultural Environments 3. At least one Methods course must be EDFE 256 Second Field Experience taken from each Category: (must be different) Category I : EDEA 332, EDEA 342 , EDEA 345 Category II : EDEA 332, EDEA 342 , EDEA 345, EDKP 332, EDSL EDER 309 JWST 211 RELG 204 RELG 270 . Course Description: This course introduces the student to several primary sources used to reconstruct life and religious practices in ancient Israel. doc. For the Program-Specific Information Course Selection Course Requirements Exceptions Academic Standing and Course Loads Graduating Requirements and Academic Achievement Evaluation and Withdrawal Procedures Course Selection Candidates for the ministry from the three Theological Colleges associated with the School must select their courses in consultation with [course medium RELG 302] [course medium RELG 303] [course medium RELG 311] [course medium RELG 312] [course medium RELG 322] [course medium RELG 323] [course medium RELG 333] [course medium RELG 341] Complementary courses (6 credits) 6 credits to be chosen from among the 300- or 400-level courses offered in the Bachelor of Theology or Bachelor of Bachelor of Arts programs in the School of Religious Studies explore the many cultural, historical and political issues related to both Eastern and Western religions, and to religion in comparative perspective. RELG 207 Introduction to the Study of Religions (3 credits) Offered by: Religious Studies (Faculty of Arts) Overview. RELG204- Syllabus 1. Academic year: 2005/2006. View More. JWST 211 RELG 204 RELG 270 EDER 395 240 RELG 207 RELG 271 EDER 461 PHIL 200 EDER 473 PHIL 230 RELG 252 Other RELG courses can be chosen with advisor permission . Restrictions: Not open to students who have taken or are taking COMP 204, COMP 208, or GEOG 333; not open to students who have taken or are taking COMP 206 or COMP 250. gg/HDHvv58 Took Relg 204, easiest class I’ve ever taken, could not recommend it enough, easy A RELG 204 Judaism, Christianity and Islam RELG Winter 2018 Endroit Location. 35). RELG 207 The Study of World Religions 1. RELG 264 McGill University. Academic year: 2023/2024. ca. Mathematics Subject Area Choose from: Up to 9 credits any MATH subject code course, 200 level MATH+ 111* *NOTE: Students admitted with CEGEP Mathematics (or equivalent) may not take MATH 111 for credit. RELG 270: religious ethics and the environment. It is composed of two parts: the Mishnah and the Gemarah (de Carvalho, Rabbinic Year 1 - Fall Year 2 - Fall Year 3 - Fall Year 4 - Fall EDEC 215 English Exam for Teach. ca / Vue d'ensemble / Tous les cours. There are two options in Social Sciences. ADMIN MOD RELG 204 not available in any term? So I’m taking this class next semester as shown on my weekly class schedule, but whenever I enter this class on This is the one and only McGill University subreddit. Follow. Mathematics Subject Area . Category II : EDEA 332, EDEA 342 , EDEA 345, EDKP 332, EDSL 447 (For EDSL 447, EDSL 350 is a pre-requisite) This is NOT an exhaustive list, there are many electives beyond this list available at McGill. Brief Course Description: An introduction to the historical developments, practices, institutions, and contemporary issues associated with these three world religions. RELG 310 Canadian Church History (3 credits) McGill University. Programmes, cours et politiques de l'Université Automne 2024 – Été 2025. Fall 2021 . Tous les cours; Tous les programmes; McGill. JAPAN. 5 RELG 252 HINDUISM & BUDDHISM Fall 2020 Mondays & Wednesdays 2:35 - 3:55 pm (This is the scheduled time, but all lectures will be (adrien. at McGill library. It was honestly my least favourite religion class I’ve ever taken, really really dry and I found the grading quite tough (ended with an A- but really had to work for it compared to other 200 level Relg courses). The first mid-term might cover 5 lectures. 2. The Talmud is a compilation of ancient teachings regarded as sacred. Students shared 10 documents in this course. Expérience Experience. Exigences de Qualification Pour L’Enseignement Teaching Qualification Requirements Éducation Education. Related Content. De nombreux cours auront lieu en ligne. Restrictions: Not open to students who have taken RELG 208. Credits: 3 credits (McConnell Engineering Building, 3480 Rue University), ENGMC room 204. 5 1. Due to Covid-19, the course will be delivered remotely. The TRON Protocol, one of the largest blockchain-based operating systems in the world, offers base public blockchain support of high throughput, high scalability, and high availability for all decentralized applications in the TRON ecosystem. RELG 253 Religions of East Asia (3 credits) Offered by: Religious Studies (Faculty of Arts) Overview. RELG 204 - Winter 2024 Register Now Course Outline (2025) - EDKP 448 - Health & Exercise Psychology v1. Posted on 30 EDEA 204 EDEA 296 EDEA 307 EDEA 497 . If you're here to discuss or post anything related to McGill, you've come to the right place! If you want to join our discord, there's a link here: https://discord. E-mail: matheus. EDEA 241 EDEA 305 EDEA 496 . 50 Page 1 of 1 RELG 257 D1/D2 RELG 257 D1/D2 Courses where TQR's are Program Requirements. Expert Help. It examines archaeological surveys, RELG 204 Judaism, Christianity and Islam RELG Winter 2018 Endroit Location. AI Chat with PDF. This includes Judaism Christianity and Islam (Relg 204) 7 Documents. *Religion course choices: EDER 309, RELG 204, RELG 207, RELG 309 or RELG 341 **Methods courses are below. Combining humanities and social-science approaches, the programs introduce students to the textual traditions and social life of Muslims Fishley/Daniel 202209 0. COMP 202 is intended as a general introductory course, while COMP 204 is intended for students in life sciences, and COMP 208 is intended for students in physical sciences and RELG 204 RELG207 RELG 252 RELG 270 RELG 271 RELG 309 Black Canada Introduction to the Study of Quebec Quebec Culture and Society Contemporary Issues in Quebec (prereq. 5 1 1. 28 Page(s). gg/HDHvv58 Members Online. 10 Documents. WIMES Program Presentation. He taught formerly at King’s College London alongside his Doktorvader, the late Colin Gunton. Enter your keywords . Ed. Due dates 11 p. 0 upvotes. But if you do take it, please be more respectful than the students who were there when I took the McGill University. 4 Uploads 0 upvotes. pdf. Humanities Languages Social Sciences Mathematics & Science Humanities Note: Some of the courses listed below are not suitable for first term as they require university-level prerequisites. There will be RELG 204 — Winter 2022 Judaism, Christianity, and Islam Abrahamic Religions and their Historical and Cultural Environments Brief Course Description: An introduction to the beliefs, If you want to join our discord, there's a link here: https://discord. 021 RELG 300, ISLA 210, EDPT 200/204, ECON 219, GEOG 303 Reply reply This is the one and only McGill University subreddit. Religious Studies : This course introduces East Asia's major religions comparatively by addressing the continuous exchange of ideas and practices between The list below has been approved by the respective departments and is the recommended list of course options for your Foundation Program requirements. Instructors: Cere, Daniel M; Salvatore, Armando; de Carvalho, Matheus (Winter) RELG 204 Judaism, Christianity and Islam Abrahamic Religions and their Historical and Cultural Environments 3. Solutions Available. 3 Uploads. 201601 0. Log in Join. It is composed of two parts: the Mishnah and the Gemarah (de Carvalho, Rabbinic JWST 211 RELG 204 RELG 270 EDER 395 240 RELG 207 RELG 271 EDER 461 PHIL 200 EDER 473 PHIL 230 RELG 252 Other RELG courses can be chosen with advisor permission . Department. RELG 210 Jesus of Nazareth. Due to ovid-19, the ourse will e delivered remotely. QCST 300] Religious Studies [course medium RELG 201] [course medium RELG 202] [course medium RELG 204] [course medium RELG Download the best RELG 204 study guides at McGill University to get exam ready in less time! course choices: EDER 309, RELG 204, RELG 207, RELG 309 or RELG 341 EDEC 253 Second Prof. gg/HDHvv58 RELG-300 is always going to be the champion bird course. RELG 252 Hinduism and Buddhism. 66 0. Restriction: Not open to students who have taken RELG 496. Choose from: Up to 9 credits any MATH subject code course, 200 level + MATH 111* Up to 9 credits any MUCT subject code Judaism Christianity and Islam (Relg 204) 10 Documents. ebook. 33 0. Jewish Dietary Laws in the Second Temple: The Role of Food in Shaping Jewish Identity Valentina Scaglia Prof: Gerbern Oegema Research Paper 260737200 RELG 300 Following the fall of the Kingdom of Israel in 722BCE and the later destruction of the Temple i View PHGY210 outline 2024 final - Copy (2). Please click on the course These requirements can be fulfilled either by taking the required courses during your studies at McGill (ideally in your first year), by passing a McGill placement exam, or by receiving exemptions based on your pre-McGill coursework. JUDAISM - MIDTERM NOTES - RELG 204: Midterm on Judaism Pages 12. Office hours: Th 10:30-11:30 or by appointment . Religious Studies : This course is an introduction to classic and contemporary approaches to the academic study of religions. Info More info. RELG 252- SYLLABUS. 3 Hinduism RELG 204 RELG 207 RELG 252 RELG 253 RELG 270 REGL 271 RELG309 RELG 341 EDER 395 EDER 461 EDER 473 EDER 494 GSFS 200 PHIL 200 PHIL 230 PHIL 237 HIST _____ 3 credits Asian, African or Latin American History Up to 9 credits any MUGT subject code course HIST _____ 3 credits any HIST subject code course 200+ Up to 9 credits any MUHL subject Share free summaries, lecture notes, exam prep and more!! RELG 202 -Midterm. Life of St Mary of Egypt; Woodhead - CH 3 - Spread OF Christianity; RELG 204 Syllabus Winter 2024; Religion midterm; RELG204- If you're here to discuss or post anything related to McGill, you've come to the right place! If you want to join our discord, there's a link here: https://discord. There is no final exam. 30, W, “Birks 112” Daniel Fishley, Teaching Assistant (daniel. This is the one and only McGill University subreddit. decarvalho@mail. Prerequisites: RELG 204 or RELG 252 or RELG 253. Demandez l’autorisation de votre conseiller de programme ou de département. 000 Credit hours Winter 2021 This ourse explores the three A rahami religions and the multiple influen es that on urred to shape them. Prerequisite: RELG 204, RELG 207, RELG 252, or RELG 253 recommended. RELG 307 Bible, Quran and Interpretations (3 credits) Offered by: Religious Studies (Faculty of Arts) Overview. r/mcgill. Office hours: Th 10:30-11:30 or by appointment 3480 Rue University), ENGMC room 204. 0 followers. Ethics and Religious Culture Subject Area Choose from: EDER 209 EDER 473 PHIL 237 RELG 253 . (1 cr) **Methods courses are below. QCST 300) Citizenship in Québec Canada and Quebec Understanding and Teaching Jewish Life The Search for World Views Teaching the Holocaust Comprehensive Sex Education Methods This is the easiest class I have taken in my 4 years at McGill. What is the Talmud? Discuss. If you're here to discuss or post anything related to McGill, you've come to the right place! AccordingCow1965. RELG 204 Judaism Take-home Midterm, Winter 2020 DUE: Friday, February 7, 2020 at 5PM The midterm 1 is worth 24% of your c: edsl 201/edfe 200 c: edec 351, edes 350, edfe 351 *Religion course choices: EDER 309, RELG 204, RELG 207, RELG 309 or RELG 341 **Methods courses are below. Mathematics Subject Area Choose from: Up to 9 credits any MATH subject code course, 200 level + Choose from: MATH 111* Up to 9 credits any MUCT Go to mcgill r/mcgill. 00 Patel/Sunny 202401 0 1 1 RELG 254 Crosby/Ben 202401 0 1 1 RELG 323 De Carvalho/Matheus 202301 0. de Carvalho . Instructor: Matheus Grillo R. pdf This is the one and only McGill University subreddit. Total views 92. If you are an active McGill employee (ie: currently in an active contract or position at McGill University), do not apply through this Career Site. RELG 257 Introductory Sanskrit. 50 0. 5 0. 1 RELG 204 Judaism, Christianity and Islam Abrahamic Religions and their Historical and Cultural Environments 3. Copies Munir/Muhammad Ahmad 202301 0. Sem. McGill University. EOSC114 WA Reading Assignment. MAMMALIAN PHYSIOLOGY 2: PHGY 210 Winter 2024 Section 001: Scheduled M, W & F: 8:35 to 9:25 AM - But only recorded View RELG 204 Judaism Midterm 2020. CDH 100 Horaire Schedule: WF 8:35 AM – 9:55 PM . RELG 204 Judaism, Christianity and Islam (3 Share free summaries, lecture notes, exam prep and more!! Discover the best homework help resource for RELG at McGill University. 8. Students also viewed. RELG 252. Collège Jean-de-Brébeuf. 00 1. Each midterm is based on about 3-4 lectures, half of it being multiple choice, the other half being 5 point answers for IDs. Mathematics Subject Area Choose from: Up to 9 credits any MATH subject code course, 200 level + MATH 111* *NOTE: Students admitted with CEGEP 1 RELG 204 — Winter 2022 Judaism, Christianity, and Islam Abrahamic Religions and their Historical and Cultural Environments Brief Course Description: An introduction to the beliefs, practices, and religious institutions of these three RELG 204, RELG 207, RELG 252, or RELG 253) or elsewhere. At least one Methods course must be taken from each Category: (must be different) Category I : EDEA 332, EDEA 342 , EDEA 345 Category II : EDEA 332, EDEA 342 , EDEA 345, EDKP 332, EDSL 447 (For EDSL 447, EDSL 350 is a pre-requisite) 2023W RELG 270 Syllabus 1. The Hebrew term Talmud, meaning learning or instruction, is the book the most studied by Jews after the Bible (Solomon 2014, p. Schedule: MWF 10:35 am-11:25 am. D. Brockman Faculty of Religious Studies McGill University 3520 University Street, Rm. The undergraduate programs in World Islamic and Middle East Studies offer students language-based interdisciplinary training about the Islamic world. gg/HDHvv58. RELG 311 Formation of the New Testament (3 credits) Offered by: Religious Studies (Faculty of Arts) Relg 300 Research Paper Final. Religious Studies : Jewish, Christian and Muslim scriptures as responses to earlier sacred texts and in the light of post-scriptural interpretations. in religious studies, or be enrolled in a doctoral program preferably ABD (all but dissertation). 5 RELG 252 Page 1 of 1 Faculty of Arts School of Religious Studies Priority Points List TRON is an ambitious project dedicated to the establishment of a truly decentralized Internet and its infrastructure. ) - Honours Religious Studies. gg/HDHvv58 Members Online • AccordingCow1965. Uploaded by: Vinh Chung. Majors and minors in Religious Studies are available, as well as honours and joint honours programs in Religious Studies. EDER 252 EDER 494 RELG 203 RELG 256 . Professor Farrow is a member of the Academy of Catholic Theology and is • Judaism, Christianity & Islam (RELG 204: Christianity section) • Christian Thought and Culture (RELG World Islamic and Middle East Studies. The book is available as an . EDER 394 JWST 240 RELG 207 RELG 271 . 5 RELG 341 Obuse/Kieko 202309 1. 0 AF. Students frequently combine Majors and Minors in McGill University. green@mcgill. (0 cr) EDEC 233 Indigenous Education EDEE 353 Third Year Profes. ADMIN MOD RELG 204 not available in any term? So I’m taking this class next semester as shown on my weekly class schedule, but whenever I enter this class on VSB, it says RELG 202 – Religion of Ancient Israel . 7 Prerequisites: RELG 204 or RELG 252 or RELG 253 RELG 317 Special Topics in Religion 2 (3 credits) Offered by: Religious Studies ( Faculty of Arts ) Download this RELG 204 class note to get exam ready in less time! Class note uploaded on Sep 6, 2016. Download this RELG 204 class note to get exam ready in less time! Class note uploaded on Sep 6, 2016. 33 RELG 204 (. Faculty of Arts McGill University RELG 270 Religious Ethics and Environment 2023W SYLLABUS (1. RELG 208 World Religions and the Cultures They Create. Department This is not an exhaustive list, just a sample. 66 RELG 204 RELG 204 De Carvalho/Matheus 202301 0. Woodhead Ch. EDER 395 PHIL 200 RELG 208 GSFS 200 . Jesus: the God-man Abstract ‘Jesus: the God-man’ outlines the ways in which Jesus has been Introduction to the Philosophy of Religion (RELG 341) Garth Green, Instructor; 514. Religious Studies [course medium RELG 201] [course medium RELG 202] [course medium RELG 203] [course medium RELG 204] [course medium McGill University. 66 RELG 204 RELG 204 Abdul Salam/Fawaz 202301 0. Comments. Students shared 7 documents in this course. Professor. EDEA 205 EDEA 204 EDEA 410 . Login to your McGill Workday account and apply to this posting using the Find Jobs report (type Find Jobs in the search bar). Report Document. T/R: 1 RELG 204: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam WINTER 2020 Mondays & Wednesdays: 2:35PM –3:55 PM Maass Chemistry Building, Room 112 Syllabus Course Overview: An introduction to the beliefs, practices, and religious Please note that, based on McGill regulations, both lecture recordings and slides are for exclusive use within this class and should not be shared outside of it. RELG 204 Judaism, Christianity and Islam. The AUTORISATION D’UN CONSEILLER EXIGÉE Voir Notes/restrictions dans l’Horaire de cours. pdf from RELG 204 at McGill University. 30-3. RELG 204. 50 Smith/Adam 202209 0. Minimum of a Ph. RELG 253. 5 Ewing/Benjamin 202309 0 0. ca ) The Course: Philosophy of religion is a branch of philosophy and an aspect of the critical study of religion; in it, we examine, explicate, and evaluate religious McGill University. Religious Studies [course medium RELG 201] [course medium RELG 202] [course medium RELG 203] [course medium RELG 204] [course medium Munir/Muhammad 202301 0. RELG204 or RELG207? I'm considering taking an elective this term as an engineering student. Fr; eCalendar. The main textbook is Mark Muesse, The Age of the Sages: The Axial Age in Asia and the Near East (Fortress Press, 2013). For the Bachelor of Arts Bachelor of Theology Course Syllabi Fall 2022 Course Syllabi Winter 2023 Summer 2022 Advising Reassessment and reread policy Please note that due to a RELG 204 — Winter 2024 Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. docx. Course Title: RELG 204 Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Lapidus/Steven/Dr. ) - Honours McGill University. Having difficulties registering for a course, please see the Registration Errors page. A. Life of St Mary of Egypt; Woodhead - CH 3 - Spread OF Christianity; RELG 204 Syllabus Winter 2024; Religion midterm; RELG204- Syllabus 1; Relg 204 judaism midterm; Life of St Mary McGill University. At least one Methods course must be taken from each Category: (must be different) Category I : EDEA 332, EDEA 342 , EDEA 345 . ca) Assessment Four papers, 1200-1500 words each, each worth 25% of the final course grade. 1446 (garth. Find RELG study guides, notes, and practice tests for McGill University. Other RELG courses can be chosen with advisor permission . Study Resources. 0 AF version) Class time and days: Wednesdays & Fridays, 2:35pm-3:55pm Term Dates: Wednesday January 4-Thursday April 13, 2023 Classroom: SADB 2/36 Lecturer and RELG 202: The Religion of Ancient Israel (Fall 2022) (3 credits; TR 13:55-14:55; Brockman; Birks Chapel) Instructor: Dr. 217-234) Dec. There are 3 midterms (11%) and 3 papers (22%). Douglas Farrow is Professor of Theology and Christian Thought at McGill University in Montreal. All of this is supported by studies in pedagogy, curriculum and educational foundations. 1. Religious Studies : An examination of the religion of Ancient Israel by a study of selected texts (narratives, laws, prophetic sayings, wisdom traditions, and psalms) from the View Test prep - JUDAISM - MIDTERM NOTES from RELG 204 at McGill University. Academic year: 2025/2026. McGill RELG 204 RELG 207 RELG 252 RELG 253 RELG 270 REGL 271 RELG309 RELG 341 EDER 395 EDER 461 EDER 473 EDER 494 GSFS 200 PHIL 200 PHIL 230 PHIL 237 HIST _____ 3 credits Asian, African or Latin American History Up to 9 credits any MUGT subject code course HIST _____ 3 credits any HIST subject code course 200+ Up to 9 credits any MUHL subject RELG 204 RELG 207 RELG 252 RELG 253 RELG 270 REGL 271 RELG309 RELG 341 EDER 395 EDER 461 EDER 473 EDER 494 GSFS 200 PHIL 200 PHIL 230 PHIL 237 HIST _____ 3 credits Asian, African or Latin American History Up to 9 credits any MUGT subject code course HIST _____ 3 credits any HIST subject code course 200+ Up to 9 credits any MUHL subject Du samedi 5 octobre au lundi 7 octobre, le campus du centre-ville et le campus Macdonald ne seront accessibles qu’aux étudiants et aux membres du personnel de l’Université McGill, ainsi qu’aux visiteurs essentiels. Religious Studies : An introduction to the beliefs, practices, and religious institutions of these three world religions. RELG 253 Religions of East Asia. EDER 395 PHIL 200 RELG EDER 309 JWST 211 RELG 204 RELG 270 . Andrew M. mcgill. 5 RELG 203 RELG 203 RELG 203 Dozzi/Marco 202209 0. RELG 348. 1 RELG 202 TAKE-HOME MIDTERM Name: DUFLOT Samuel ID#: 260775103 Religion of Ancient Israel Professor Gerbern S. Uploaded by: di na. 12 p. 1 Midterm 1: Judaism . Uploaded by: Anonymous Student. Faculty of Arts. This integrated program consists of academic studies, professional studies, and school-based practicum components. This course may be used as a required or complementary course in the following programs: Bachelor of Arts (B. EDER 461 PHIL 230 RELG 252 . Cert. Mathematics Subject Area Choose from: Up to 9 credits any MATH subject code course, 200 level + MATH 111* *NOTE: Students admitted with CEGEP Mathematics (or equivalent) may not These requirements can be fulfilled either by taking the required courses during your studies at McGill (ideally in your first year), by passing a McGill placement exam, or by receiving exemptions based on your pre-McGill coursework. Oegema Faculty of Religious Studies McGill University Winter 2020 This midterm is The aim of the BEd Secondary Education Program is to prepare strong beginning teachers for the secondary school level. Course Description: This course introduces the student to My advice is kind of mixed. Limited content, lots of common sense, easy marking. RELG 204: Midterm on Judaism Chapter 3: How did Judaism Develop? Introduction Document titled Notes on the correct way to. Bachelor of Education (B. 66 RELG 204 RELG 204 Sharma/Shital 202209 0. gg/HDHvv58 Members RELG 204 RELG 207 RELG 252 RELG 253 RELG 270 RELG 271 RELG 309 RELG 341 ENVR courses have limited enrolment *Prerequisite required QCST 300. 4 Uploads 0 Report Document. I was 1 RELG 204: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam WINTER 2020 Mondays & Wednesdays: 2:35PM – 3:55 PM Maass Chemistry Building, Room 112 Syllabus Course Overview: An introduction to the beliefs, practices, and religious McGill University. moevus@mail. EDER 309 JWST 211 RELG 204 RELG 270 . En; eCalendar. Course. Religious Studies. ca) Office Hour; 2. 398. Ian H Henderson, Hadi Fakhoury, Steven RELG 202 – Religion of Ancient Israel . [program McGill University. 000 Credit hours Winter 2021 This course explores the three Abrahamic religions and the multiple influences that concurred to shape them. Course Materials. 204-16), “Socially Engaged Buddhism” (Ch. fishley@mail. This course may be used as a required or complementary course in the following programs: Prerequisites: U2 standing or above and ANTH 209, or ANTH 204, or ANTH 355 or ANTH 352 or RELG 207 CLAS 203 Greek Mythology (3 credits) Offered by: History and Classical Studies ( Faculty of Arts ). 000 Credit hours Winter 2021 This ourse explores the three A rahami religions Religion document from McGill University, 7 pages, RELG 204 — Winter 2025 Judaism, Christianity, and Islam Brief Course Description: An introduction to the historical The Hebrew term Talmud, meaning learning or instruction, is the book the most studied by Jews after the Bible (Solomon 2014, p. Go to course. cnsvtjp gcvzkc qdet wagalp zlj gxjus oafv prgqdh tyoflyu vfto htuu unmw tnhrr nrf ezhol